Bayer Radiology Investigator Initiated Research program focuses on research in the following areas:
- Contrast-enhanced MRI
- Contrast delivery devices for CT and MRI
- Informatics for Radiology practice management including radiation dose monitoring, contrast dose and patient protocols
- Clear statement of support requested from Bayer (funds, products, both) and how they will be used
- Total budget (including any funds requested from Bayer)
- Name of Principal Investigator and all Sub-Investigators
- Brief description of facility where study will be performed
- Background Section - brief - but with sufficient information to inform the grants committee of the significance of the proposal, as well as a review of previous work in the area
- Clear Objectives Section with all objectives stated but with a single Primary Endpoint identified upon which sample size is based
- Brief description of Study Design including inclusion-exclusion criteria and statistical analysis
- Name of IRB that will approve protocol and Informed Consent
- Publication Plan
Please note that funding is limited and is competitive and a request for a full proposal in response to an initial inquiry should not be considered in any way as a grant approval. Proposals for projects that have already started or have been completed will not be reviewed or processed. Previous support of any grant (educational or research) or contribution is not a guarantee of future support.