Bayer provides funding to US healthcare-related organizations to support a variety of local and regional healthcare-related activities or events that align with our mission of Health for All.
Sponsorships provide funding for promotional or medical/scientific events, programs or other activities conducted by an external organization, in return for a tangible benefit(s) to Bayer. Examples of such benefits include, but are not limited to Bayer recognition as overall sponsor of event/activity, employee attendance, distribution of Bayer branded material, logo placement in materials and/or organization’s website, name/logo on a t-shirt, or other promotional opportunities. If there are not tangible benefits, the request should be submitted as a donation (Bayer - Healthcare-related Contributions).
The following are examples of some of the activities we can support:
Areas of Interest
Bayer is currently accepting sponsorship requests for the following areas:
- Prostate Cancer
- Chronic Kidney Disease associated with Type II Diabetes
- Hemophilia
Requests for other areas of interest will be rejected.
Sponsorships that meet these requirements may submit requests via this online system. Please be sure to review our Guidelines and Application Process below before completing an application.
What types of organizations will be considered eligible for funding through this Sponsorship process?
Bayer may provide sponsorships to professional, patient and scientific organizations. The requesting organization’s mission should be for independent scientific and educational purposes that contribute to the improvement of patient care, education or advocacy.
Bayer will not support organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or national origin. Furthermore, Bayer will not make sponsorships to individuals, political parties or causes, or religious groups for religious purposes. In addition, it is Bayer’s policy not to provide sponsorships to physicians, physician practice groups or any organization that may be considered a direct purchaser of our products, or to non-profit entities controlled by or affiliated with physicians, physician practice groups or organizations that may be considered a direct purchaser of our products.
What is generally outside the scope of what Bayer will support through sponsorship?
- Accredited educational activities for health care professionals. Please submit these types of requests via the Educational Grants process (see navigation tabs on left hand side of page)
- Programs or events where the primary focus is entertainment, recreational (without significant patient educational value) or social.
- Bayer does not provide general funding to sponsor meetings, conferences or other events in which travel and/or lodging are provided free to participants. However, Bayer will consider and review, in the normal course, a request for funding to support a specific educational session(s) or activity(ies) at these events. As an exception to this principle, Bayer may provide funding to support lodging and travel expenses for disease-related summer camps for children and teens.
- Gifts or give-a-way items for event participants, except treatment and/or patient education related items of modest value
- Financial assistance to patients (except via donations to independent charitable PAP organizations)
- Scholarships
- Funding specifically directed to support and the development of an organization’s web site
- Personal and professional development fees
- Display or exhibit only requests. Requests for a display/exhibit only (Bayer would not be overall sponsor of the event as a result of support) should be forwarded to the local Sales Representative for consideration. If a display/exhibit is included as part of the overall sponsorship benefits, it may be submitted through this process.
Submission Requirements
To be considered, a complete application package should be submitted via the online portal at least 60 calendar days prior to the event date. If the completed application package is not received at least 60 days prior to the event date, the request may be denied.
Required documents for submitting a Sponsorship request
All requests:
- Completed application
- Signed letter of request, on organization letterhead, clearly specifying how the funding will be used
- W-9 form (Note: ONLY the March 2024 Version of the IRS W-9 Form will be accepted and the address MUST match the mailing address indicated on the application).
- Change of address letter on organization letterhead (required only if you checked "New Organization Address" in the application)
For programs and activities:
- Detailed program agenda, including time schedule of activities and meals.
- Detailed Program/Activity Budget including cost of meals, activities, facility costs, lodging and/or transportation paid on behalf of attendees, items provided to attendees (if any), etc.
For fundraiser events:
- Detailed activity/event budget including the anticipated total funds raised by the event.
- List of all sponsorship levels available for this event and the benefits offered for each level of support.
- You must submit a separate application for each program or activity. We will not accept "bundled" requests for support of multiple events.
Sponsorship Initiation
- The sponsorship request must be submitted by a representative of the organization which is seeking the sponsorship funding.
Sponsorship Review
- Requests must be submitted at least 60 days prior to the program or event date. If Bayer does not receive all necessary documentation at least forty five (45) days prior to the date of your program, Bayer will not consider your request.
- Each request is reviewed independently. Please note past approval of an activity does not guarantee future funding.
Sponsorship Status
- You will receive written and/or email notification of the funding decision. Please note, if you submitted an application 60 days or less from your program/activity date, your notification of approval or denial may not be received until close to the program start date. If you need a decision by a particular date, please submit your request at least 60 days before that date.
- Please do not consider any request approved until you have received written documentation from Bayer approving your sponsorship request. Bayer’s name should not be included on materials (i.e. website, social media, posters/signage) until official written approval has been received.
Submit Sponsorships Request
Organizations that meet the requirements above may submit requests via this online system. Please be sure to review the Guidelines and Application Process details above before completing an application.
Online Application Processing Notes
- The application must be completed and submitted online.
- You must complete all sections of the application.
- Fill in all of the fields as accurately and completely as possible. Incomplete information may result in processing delays.
Please click the link below to begin the application process.
If you have questions about the application process, please email