Please note, if attachments are not provided in a pdf format, the proposal may be rejected without consideration. Thank you.
As a commitment to improving patient care and providing valuable information to the medical and broader healthcare community, Bayer US will accept the grant requests for medical education in the areas below.
As general guidelines for submission for grant requests, please note that Bayer US considers many factors including:
- Promotes excellence in patient care
- Meets ACCME guidelines related to content, venue, etc.
- Conducive to an effective and efficient meeting format
- Ability to educate the broadest healthcare professional and/or consumer target audience at appropriate and reasonable cost.
Competition for medical educational grant approval is very high. The primary focus of the Bayer US Grants will be on medical and healthcare related educational activities in the following therapeutic areas:
Hematology (Hemophilia)
Hemophilia - CFG – 2025 1
Hemophilia - CFG – 2025 2
Women’s Health
Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC)
Cardiovascular and Renal
- Chronic Kidney Disease in Type 2 Diabetes
Chronic Kidney Disease in Type 2 Diabetes
Heart Failure
CTEPH (Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension) (Group IV )
Currently not accepting requests
PAH (Pulmonary arterial hypertension)(Group I)
Currently not accepting requests
Stroke Prevention
- Advanced Prostate Cancer
Areas of Interest Submit Colorectal Cancer
Head and Neck
Currently not accepting requests
Lung Cancer
Currently not accepting requests
Pediatric Cancer
Currently not accepting requests
Molecular Alterations
Currently not accepting requests
Central Nervous System Cancer
Currently not accepting requests
Bayer US will not have control over the content of programs; however, Bayer US does not provide “unrestricted grants.” The purpose for the grant must be designated in the proposal and that designated purpose is the only one for which the grant funds may be used.
- Grants to individuals or group practices
- Clinical grants, including Investigator Initiated Trials (Please refer to the Investigator Initiated Research link in the navigation bar on the upper left)
- Personal travel
- Capital campaigns/Building funds
- Website development not associated with an accredited educational program
- Service contracts
- Religious programs
- Entertainment (e.g., class reunions, retirement dinners, etc.)
- General capital or operating expenses (e.g., office equipment/staff, computer hardware/software, medical library resources, etc.)
- Textbooks and journal subscriptions
- Advertising, exhibit and display fees (Fees for these events should be forwarded to your Bayer contact or marketing team contact as they are promotional in nature.)
- Mass media productions not associated with educational content (e.g., CD-ROMS, journal supplements, etc.)
- Personal development (e.g., individual leadership training)
No. The grant funding process is very competitive. Each grant is evaluated on its individual merit relative to other grant requests. Please do not consider any request approved until you have received written documentation from Bayer US Grants approving your grant request.
This application must be completed and submitted online.
- You must complete all sections of the application.
- Completing all application sections will take approximately 10 minutes.
- Your session times-out after 30 minutes of inactivity.
- Fill in all of the fields as accurately and completely as possible. Incomplete information may result in processing delays.
- Completed application
- Program/Project objectives and agenda
- Detailed line item budget
- Needs Assessment
- W-9 domestic U.S. (Note the W9 form must be signed indicating that the information is factual and true)
- IRS tax determination letter - if applicable
- Letter or Certificate of Accreditation
- Other documentation - may also be required by specific therapeutic areas - refer to Guidelines, Medical Educational Grants for posting of additional requirements
Failure to provide this completed information at least 45 days prior to the event date will result in the request not being processed.
Requests solely for advertising, exhibit and/or display fees are not within the scope of grants.
IMPORTANT — PLEASE READ: Bayer will use its best efforts to provide a decision to you as quickly as possible and in less than forty-five (45) days after Bayer's receipt of all necessary documentation. However, please be advised of the following:
- It may require up to forty-five (45) days reviewing and processing your application once all of the necessary documentation is submitted.
- If your program is scheduled to take place in less than forty-five (45) days of your submission of all necessary documentation, Bayer may not be able to provide a decision prior to the date of the program. Subsequently, you may want to reconsider submitting a grant request to Bayer and pursue funding from other sources.
- If your event is less than 45 days from the receipt date of your completed application (including all supporting documentation), your grant request may not be accepted or processed.
- The grant request must be submitted by a representative of the organization which is seeking the grant funding.
- Upon receipt of ALL required documentation, you will receive a notification via email, stating all documentation has been received and your grant request is being forwarded to the Grant Review committee.
- Review times vary from grant to grant, however the general guidance is 45 days. You can assist with minimizing the review timeline by providing complete and accurate documentation in a timely manner. (see above "Required Documentation ")
- The Grant Review committee will thoroughly review each request within 45 days of receiving the completed application packet.
- You will receive notification from the grant committee’s decision. Please note, if you submitted an application 4-6 weeks prior to the date of your event, your notification of approval or denial may be received close to the date of the event.
- Please do not consider any request approved until you have received written documentation from Bayer Medical Affairs approving your grant request.